Birthstone December: the topaz

Monthly stone: December


ThetopazIs traditionally known as the stone of love and prosperity. The Greeks thought you became invisible when you wore topaz. This beautiful stone promotes empathy, honesty and joy and although topaz is known for its many color variations, it is usually virtually colorless. Topaz gets its different colors through a special heat treatment; These colors range from yellow or green to blue or orange. Topaz is one of the nine precious stones in the Thai order of the nine precious stones.

History of the Topaz

The name Topaz comes from Greek and is derived from an island in the Red Sea; Topazos. This would be the place where the Topaz was discovered for the first time. However, it is now thought that the yellow gem that was found there on that island at the time was peridot instead of topaz. Old writings call the gems topaz, but it is doubted whether this is the same gem as the gem that we now call Topaz.

Treasure Topas

Topaz can be found in Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Australia, Nigeria, the United States but also in European countries such as the Czech Republic, Germany, Norway, Italy and Sweden. Saxony in Germany was already an important supplier of topazen in the 18eeuw, and topazes were then also called Saxon diamonds. In contrast to other precious stones, topaz are usually found large rough pieces. One of the largest sharpened topazes can be seen in the National Historical Museum in Chicago and has a weight of almost 6,000 carats.

Treasure topas

Topaas kan gevonden worden in Rusland, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Japan, Brazilië, Mexico, Australië, Nigeria, de Verenigde Staten maar ook in Europese landen als Tsjechië, Duitsland, Noorwegen, Italië en Zweden. Saksen in Duitsland was in de 18eeeuw al een belangrijke leverancier van topazen, en topazen werden toen daarom ook wel Saksische diamanten genoemd. In tegenstelling tot andere edelstenen, worden van topaas meestal grote ruwe stukken gevonden. Eén van de grootste geslepen topazen is te zien in het nationaal historisch museum in Chicago en heeft een gewicht van bijna 6000 karaat.



Whether you opt for vegetable tones, honey -colored, or aqua -blue, the topaz is a nice addition to your jewelry collection. With different colors of topaz to choose from, this gem is very versatile and there is always one that suits you. With the winter glow of the ice -blue topaz you give a clear accent to refined jewelry. The topaz is a good choice for rings, earrings or a nice pendant. Topaas generates creativity and is therefore an inspiring choice.

From colorless to colorful

The topaz exists in many colors. For example, there is the Imperial Topaz, the most rare one, which varies in color from yellow to pink-orange. Topasse heats can cause other color variations, so yellow Topaz becomes pink when it is treated. Blue topaz is obtained by treating the colorless topaz with heat. There are three different types of colors of blue topaz, namely the "Sky Topaz", which is light blue, the "Swiss Topaz", which is aqua blue, and the "London Blue Topaz", which is bright blue. These blue top applies come out the best in normal daylight and are therefore ideal to make your daily outfit sparkling.


About the stone of the month

Precious stones have been worn as a piece of jewelry for decades. It is therefore interesting to get to know the history behind the stone. Many cultures and people also attribute magical powers to precious stones. They serve as talismans and the stones would improve or protect your life. Moreover, if you wear the stone that fits your birth to birth or constellation, the effect is even more powerful. For each type of stone, features are also attributed to stones that match the person born in the month. It is therefore extra fun to choose a gem that strengthens your character, or from the person for whom the gift is. The sapphire is part of the month of September and is a perfect gift incorporated into a ring for someone born in October or as a traditional gift for the 45th wedding day.