Gift card


Diamond Point gift card

A Diamond Point Giftcard is the ultimate gift for birthdays, holidays and "just moments". The recipient buys a piece of jewelry with the gift card that goes along forever: a gift to remember. 

  • The gift card can be ordered online with the values: 25,-50,-100,-250,-500,-750,-and 1,000.
  • The gift card is interchangeable and in our Diamond Point Shop in the Bijenkorf. 
  • The gift card is fairly interchangeable against all jewelry Diamond Point.
  • The gift card can be used several times until the entire card amount has been spent. 
  • The gift card is up to two years valid after issue. The remaining amounts also remain valid two years after issue.
  • When your order is returned, the amount will be refilled to the gift card. We therefore recommend keeping your gift card.
  • The gift card is not interchangeable for cash.
  • The gift card is not valid on orders and repairs already made.
Check your balance and the period of validity of you Diamond Point gift card

Are you curious about the balance on your card and what the validity period?

Then contact our customer service.